Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Wednesday, 7th of October, 2020. Natural Science.

Good morning!
Today we continue learning about animals
How was yesterday's task? Here you have the solution to check how well you did it. (page 6, ex. 1)

Animals are living things. How much do you remember about living and non-living things?
The next video will help you to INVESTIGATE.

In case you want to continue revising, here you have another video much shorter than the previous one.

Let's complete exercise 1 on page 8 in your notebook. Do not forget to write the date. Classify the words in a table like the one below.

Ready? Once you have finished, check your answers.

Now, it's time to DISCOVER.

To summarise, the vital functions all living things share are:

NUTRITION: Living things need air to breathe, food to get energy and water to hydrate. Food, water and oxygen are essential for living things. Do all living things eat the same? No, they don't. Some living things like animals eat plants and other animals, while plants eat minerals and water from the soil.

INTERACTION: Different animals live in different places all over the world and they adapt to the environment to survive. Camels that live in the desert and polar bears that live in the Arctic develop different physical characteristics to adapt to their environment, to their habitats.

REPRODUCTION: Animals have babies similar to them. Plants reproduce through seeds or spores.

In your notebook, do exercise number 2 page 8.

And this is all for today. Have a nice afternoon!